Cultural Health
Index Report
Cultural Health Indexing reports are measures of the health of the tāiao at any given time. They are a fusion of western science and mātauranga Māori. Te Arahanga uses an Atua model, that defines the role of each Atua in the tāiao, to ensure that we are carrying out our duties consistent with the tikanga of our tūpuna. We will also use western science measure to inform our conclusions and so we can make fully informed recommendations.
What is a Cultural Health Index Report?
A cultural health indexing report provides a snapshot of the environment at a given point in time. This snapshot includes (but not limited to) water quality, kōhanga areas for fish and indigenous flora and fauna and should inform the reporting for Cultural Impact Assessment
These reports are usually created at the direction of a resource consent application and prior to the consent being granted. This report should be made available to all cultural monitors if the resource consent is granted.
The Resource consent will inform Cultural Monitors of environmental factors to observe while monitoring and the Cultural Impact report.
Benefits of a Cultural Health
Index Report
That sustainability of all Ranginui and Pāpātūanuku tamariki are considered in all our decisions
Ensure our Kāitiakitanga obligation to our mokopuna and their mokopuna are met
Ensure that our pūrākau and tāwhito kōrero are understood and respected in all aspects of environmental management
We uphold the manaaki tikanga of our Tūpuna by ensuring that our Treaty partners have an insight into our tikanga and kawa

What's Involved?
Cultural Monitoring is site-based research into the quality of the tāiao at any given site.
Te Arahanga will put a crew of cultural monitors onsite to assess all the factors to the tāiao and how they interact together.
We will work with haukāinga to establish what Atua are relevant to the site and if we, as a hapori (community) are upholding the mana of those Atua and tūpuna.
We will then do a full document review that includes a western science perspective and provide a report that explains both concepts, points out the commonalities and reflects the differences in the cultural approach.
Where possible we will provide an historic account of what was there at that time.